
Rewritten Title: Boost Your Training and Build Muscle Mass After 40 – The Edge

Rewritten Article:
Five Effective Tips for Gaining Muscle After 40
Is your age proving to be a deterrent to building muscle? Not to worry! According to Curtis, the fundamentals of building muscle remain the same, regardless of age. Yet, he provides some helpful tips that will boost your strength training results and target muscle soreness to minimize recovery time after you hit the big 4-0. Here’s your guide to gain muscle after 40 from Curtis.

1. Have a Plan
Building muscles require progressive overload, which means gradually increasing the stress placed on a muscle over time by adding more weight or reps. To track this progress, Curtis suggests that you write it down and have a plan in place. Aim for 15 working sets per week per body part, making sure that each set is done with 90% effort. Moreover, you may choose different exercises each day but make sure to have a mix of four to five sets of each exercise for better results.

2. Be Consistent
Curtis explains that consistency is important for muscle-building, meaning that you should not rely on ‘magic pills,’ ‘secret formulas,’ or ‘secret sauces.’ He states that while you don’t have to be perfect on each day, you will need to gradually increase the workload and put in hard work and effort consistently to see results.

3. Be Efficient
Overtraining or pushing yourself to the limit in each workout session can actually be counter-productive for muscle-building. Curtis emphasizes being efficient and spending no more than an hour on each exercise session so that you don’t end up feeling too sore.

4. Take Breaks
With age, our bodies require more time between workouts for muscle recovery compared to younger individuals. Curtis suggests taking at least one day off from strength training and one day of stretching or light exercise for better results.

5. Eat Clean and Drink Lots of Water
Times may have changed, but your fitness goals remain the same. Eating enough nutritious food and drinking adequate water are essential for gaining muscle, regardless of your age. Curtis advises to stick to clean, high protein and carb-dense meals, and drink lots of water to replenish your system.

Clickbait Titles:
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