
“2022 Global Revenue of Autogrill Group: See Which Channels Generate the Most Money | Statista”

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‘Autogrill Group Records Impressive Revenues, Despite Pandemic’

Autogrill Group: A Thriving Italian Catering Company in Times of COVID-19

The Italian catering company Autogrill Group made impressive strides in their overall revenue throughout the course of 2022. After suffering a sharp dip upon the diagnosis of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020, Autogrill Group was able to pick up where they left off and bring in a total of 4.1 billion euros.

Signs of Rebounding Profits

Remarkably, Autogrill Group was able to outperform their pre-pandemic levels, despite the struggling state of the overall economy. Their most profitable channel in the period observed was airports; they acquired an astounding 2.8 billion euros in revenue from the airports in 2022.

Achieving Success in the Discouraging Era of COVID-19

The success of Autogrill Group in the face of economic adversity is noteworthy; considering the uncertainty shrouding the entire hospitality industry amid the pandemic. The resilience and ingenuity of the Autogrill Group in meeting the market demands of their channel partners, new food trends, digital advances, and sustainability encouraged them to remain afloat in this difficult period.

The Autogrill Group Not Slowing Down

The Autogrill Group continues to enjoy their newfound success but they are not content to rest on their laurels. The Italian catering company is determined to further their reach in value-added products, innovate new strategies, and increase their contribution to sustainability initiatives. With these goals in mind, the Autogrill Group looks forward to a brighter future in the upcoming years.