
5 Time-Management Techniques to Maximize Results in the New Year – Forbes

Reinvent Your Time Management Strategies: 5 Innovative Techniques to Reimagine Your Workday in 2021

Time management strategies are constantly evolving, especially in the New Year, and it is important to ensure your techniques are up-to-date in order to stay productive, maximize efficiency, and get the most out of your workday. Here are five innovative time management techniques to help you get ahead this year:

1. The “Time-Blocking Tetris” Method
The classic game of Tetris can teach us a thing or two about efficiency and organization. The “Time-Blocking Tetris” technique allows us to apply this appealing thought to our daily schedule by breaking it into designated blocks of time dedicated to specific tasks. Such a customizable approach will help you to manage your day optimally, while ensuring that you also have enough flexibility to make swift adjustments when needed.

2. Map Your Micro-Milestones
Mapping out micro-milestones is a helpful yet often underutilized tactic in time management. Bigger goals can be daunting, but breaking them down into small, achievable milestones makes them less intimidating. Additionally, it’ll help you stay on track and give you frequent accomplishments, which will give your motivation a healthy boost.

3. The “Pomodoro Flip” Technique
The Pomodoro Technique — where you work for 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break — is well-known among the efficiency-savvy. However, the “Pomodoro Flip” takes this a step further by tailoring the length of the work to the type of task. For example, creative tasks might need a 45-minute work period with a 15-minute break, while less stimulating tasks would benefit from shorter intervals.

4. The 80/20 Rule Reimagined
Often referred to as the Pareto Principle, this famous adage states that 80% of results come from 20% of our efforts. Applying the 80/20 principle to your time allocation can be an extremely helpful time management technique. Analyze your day and identify the 20% of your time that contributes to the highest level of productivity. Then, ensure that this chunk of your day is maximized and disruptions are kept to a minimum.

5. Gamified Goal Setting
Transforming your task list into a game with points, levels, and rewards can make a mundane workday much more fun. Building points with each task you complete and unlocking levels for set accomplishments can be a great motivator – and who doesn’t love a reward?

As 2021 begins, the time is now to start reinventing your time management strategies. Adopting these five techniques will help you take control of your workday and make it more efficient, as well as more enjoyable. So what are you waiting for? Get organizing!