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“6 Incredible Animal Rescues Captured on Video”

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Illegal Fishing Worse Than We Realized
We often think of illegal fishing as a mere nuisance, but in reality, it has a much more far-reaching and serious impact than most of us realize. According to a recent report, illegal fishing is much worse than previously thought, costing the world an estimated $23.5 billion each year. This not only affects the natural environment and is a significant obstacle to achieving sustainable fisheries, but it also hinders the livelihoods of fishermen and cost their communities both economically and culturally.

Crew Saves Elderly Man from Japanese Rubble
In Japan, a dedicated crew of government workers and volunteers worked tirelessly to rescue an elderly man from ruble after an earthquake. The drama unfolded in the city of Kumamoto, where an 8.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed the landscape and so much more. The elderly man, who had been trapped in his home, was successfully rescued and offered thanks to the heroic responders.

First Polar Bear Bird Flu Death
Discussions of the bird flu virus have been circulating for some time now, but the recent death of a polar bear in Norway marks the first time the virus has claimed the life of a mammal other than a human. The bear is believed to have contracted the virus from a wild bird, and medical experts hope that further research can lead to better preventive measures for future outbreaks.

What Is the Point of Dry January?
If you’re like many people out there, you may have been wondering what the real point is behind Dry January. This annual initiative challenges participants to abstain from drinking alcohol during the month of January, with each person having their own unique reasons for taking part. Some look to establish healthier habits, while others take part in a helpful detox. Whatever the motivation, Dry January has become a popular way to kick off the year with a healthy and productive start.

These Cats Are Ready for Snow
While some of us tend to dread the snow, these cats are looking forward to it with much enthusiasm! The pictures of these cats, posted by their owners, have been making the rounds on the internet, prompting many of us to welcome the coming snow with a similar eagerness. These furry friends prove that snow can be enjoyed and appreciated in the midst of cold and dark days.

Landslide After Quake Destroys Homes
Following an earthquake with a reported magnitude of 8.0, a massive landslide occurred in the city of Kumamoto in Japan. In its path of destruction, the landslide demolished many homes and damaged multiple homes beyond repair, causing extensive damage and leaving many homeless. Thousands of residents were displaced as a result of the disaster and emergency crews rushed to the scene to rescue those in need.

Firefighter Pulls Dog from Frozen Lake
In an incredible act of bravery, a firefighter in Wisconsin was able to pull a dog from a frozen lake before he succumbed to the icy water. The dog, named Loki, had been walking on the frozen ground when he inexplicably fell through the ice. Thanks to the strength and skill of the firefighter, Loki was rescued and safely returned to dry land.

How Human Evolution is Impacting Climate Action
Our current climate crisis is the most pressing issue facing the planet today. As more and more people wake up to the realities of climate change, human evolution comes into play. Research has shown that problem-solving and resilience are among the various evolving traits that help us understand and confront our changing environment.

Serene Freezing Fog Covers South Dakota
As temperatures plunge and winter sets in, many are revisiting their winter gear and preparing for the cold. But for some, a frozen fog provides a chance to experience winter in a peaceful, ethereal way. South Dakota has been experiencing just that, with picturesque scenes created from a serene freezing fog. The fog offers a stunning contrast between a near-silent outdoors and the hustle and bustle within.

WWII-Era Bomb Washes Up in California
This story took an unexpected twist when a World War II-era bomb was found on California’s coast. The relic, discovered by a local resident, was thought to have been left over from military maneuvers or training exercises that took place during the war. After determining the potential danger posed by the unearthed bomb, the US Navy sealed off the beach until the bomb could be safely disposed of.

Dog Rescued After Falling off Cliff
A dangerous situation quickly turned into a successful rescue when a hiker in Utah came across a lost and frightened dog. The pup, named Bear, had ventured onto a steep cliff and got stuck while trying to find his way back down. In a heartwarming show of kindness and courage, the hiker managed to scale the cliff and safely return Bear to solid ground.

Alert Tippi Hedren
This shocking story of animal abuse happened in British Columbia, Canada, and spurred an international outcry. A pack of wolves, who wandered into a nearby neighborhood, was shot and killed by forestry officials. The story quickly gained momentum when Tippi Hedren, an actress, model and animal rights activist, issued a letter to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources calling for swift action and change.

Japan Quake Recovery Faces Cold, Rain
The story doesn’t end there – the efforts to rebuild after the devastating 8.0 magnitude earthquake have been met with harsh conditions that make getting things back to normal even more of a challenge. With cold temperatures and torrential rain, the cleanup and recovery process has become slower going and more dangerous for those involved. Emergency crews and volunteers have been pushing on despite the tough working conditions.

Flight Delay Foils Time Travel
Time travel is one of mankind’s most extraordinary dreams, but this story proves that it remains just a dream. Hundreds of passengers were all set for takeoff on a flight from France to Australia, only to be dramatically delayed for several hours when a problem with the aircraft was discovered. While some passengers were happy to enjoy the extended hours of possible sleep, others surely found their thwarted plans bittersweet.

Beloved ‘Snowzilla’ Returns
Every year, as the snow begins to accumulate and the holidays draw closer, the residents of a small town in Maine anxiously await the return of a beloved tradition, Snowzilla. This jolly snowman is made from hundreds of snowballs and stands at a whopping ten feet tall! His big smile welcomed the recent thoughtfully-distanced parade, providing a little festive cheer to the town.

Study Says East Coast Cities Are Sinking
Researchers have uncovered some alarming news about some of the major cities located on the East Coast of the US. It turns out that these cities are actually sinking due to rising sea levels, mismanaged development, and shifting geography. The news has prompted calls for more investment in flood prevention and sustainable building practices in order to protect the future of these cities.

Man ‘Skates’ on Ice, Opening Frozen Car Door
Henry Hoskin of Michigan recently experienced the adventures of winter when his car door froze shut. In a wily move, Hoskin was able to ‘skate’ on top of the coating of ice on his driveway using pieces of cardboard and sandpaper to gain enough friction to open the car door. His ingenuity and quick thinking were admired by many, with his story going viral and becoming an inspirational tale of creative problem-solving.

Watch Thousands of Snow Geese Take Flight
We can agree that birds are amazing creatures, but they are especially fascinating when they migrate in large flocks. Tens of thousands of snow geese recently performed an impressive show of avian expertise as they flew from Canada and the Arctic to New York’s Central Park in a massive V-shaped formation. The awe-inspiring spectacle makes us appreciate the wonder of nature even more.

Aerial Footage Captures Massive Quake Damage
Images from the sky are providing a valuable insight into the destruction of the most recent 8.0 magnitude earthquake that shook the Japanese city of Kumamoto. From