
“Montgomery County Requests Funds to Save Schools from Catastrophic Roof Failures”

# Does Your School Need a Roof Restoration? CMCSS Presents Budget with Needed Roof Repairs to Avoid “Catastrophic Failures”.

Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) presented its proposed budget for 2023-24 this week, and the need for roof restorations for several schools due to bad weather could not be ignored. Chris Reneau, the Schools Chief Financial Officer, asked the Budget Committee for additional funding of $8.5 million for 10 capital roof projects.

## Who Needs Roof Restorations?
Seven of the projects are related to repairing roofs on seven schools: Kenwood High, Burt Elementary, Byrns Darden Elementary, Rossview High, Northeast High, New Providence Middle, and Minglewood Elementary. Reneau noted that if the renovations are not done soon, the roofs may need costly and full replacements in the future.

## What Else is on the CMCSS Budget?
Apart from the roof restoration projects, the budget includes other big-ticket items such as:
* Replacing the Kenwood High fire alarm system
* Updating the electrical switchgear at Barksdale Elementary
* Systemwide site construction

CMCSS projects a general-purpose budget with revenue and expenses worth $398 million and $419,000 respectively, a 16% increase from 2022-23. Additional staff and resources needed for new schools will be a part of this.

## Conclusion
The Budget Committee will meet with all county departments before finalizing the county budget. Residents of Clarksville-Montgomery County should keep an eye out for the outcome of this meeting, for it will decide whether or not the roofs of these schools get the necessary restorations for the safety and protection of the students.