
“7 Essential Steps to Make Spring Gardening a Breeze from The Associated Press”

Make January the Time to Start Preparing Your Garden for 2024

Gardening in January is sometimes the last thing on our minds, but it doesn’t have to be! With the holidays over, now is the perfect time to get started on planning and prepping your garden for the year ahead. With so many different microclimates across the globe, no single guide will work for everyone. Frost is the key factor that needs to be taken into account during this time of year. Here are some tips to help you on your way.

Heaving: Monitor for Plant Roots

In climates with frequent frosts and freezes, the process of heaving can occur. This is when plant roots are lifted out of the soil, making them vulnerable to harsh conditions. If you spot any heaved roots, use your foot to put them in the right place and spread some protective mulch over them.

Keep the Lawn Protected

Walking on frozen or wet grass can damage the structure of the soil, so it’s a good idea to stay off the grass when you can. Tree trunks and branches should be checked for signs of spongy moth egg cases, and these should be scraped off into hot soapy water. Evergreens can be damaged by snow, so use a long-handled broom to remove snow from their branches.

Minimize Drying Effects on Houseplants

January is also the time to start thinking about how to protect your houseplants from the drying effects of heating systems. Keep them away from radiators and vents, and make sure to mist them or place a humidifier nearby.

Changes for Warmer Climates

If you don’t have to worry about harsh frosts, be sure to test your soil’s pH and amend as necessary. Established trees can be transplanted or pruned, and you can plant bare-root roses, fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, and bulbs. Flower seeds can be sown indoors, with vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers starting at the end of the month.

Supplies and Seeds

January is a great time to take stock of your supplies and leftover seeds. Don’t miss out on any good discounts or clearances either. If your region is affected by spotted lanternflies, be sure to inspect and scrape off any egg masses you find.

Make January the start of a successful gardening season by taking the time to plan and prepare. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to creating the garden of your dreams in 2024.